Thursday, September 8, 2011


Oops. A glass of sarcasm seems to have spilled all over my keyboard. I wonder how long it will take to evaporate...

Let's see. College. College. That's it!

There are so many good things about college. Where do I begin? One of the BEST things about college is the amount of debt you leave with! Who doesn't love knowing that they will spend a large portion of their adult life paying off 2-4 years of higher education? Increases in tuition each semester? Bring it on! Negative amounts in my bank accounts are great! Do you know what makes this debt even better? It's not the interest rates nor is it the payment terms. It is the fact if you didn't have a social you could go to school for free! How amazing is that? It's pretty darn amazing. The fact that people who are here illegally can receive help paying for college while I pull my hair out trying to figure out which student loan is right for me just warms my heart. It is a little known fact that college students absolutely adore massive amounts of stress.

Random fees are great. Especially the $100 fee I'm charged each time my loan money is dispersed to me.

What else is great about college? Books! The books that cost over $100 that are used for only 4 months. These are books that weigh too much. These are books that have over 30 chapters for no apparent reason since you will only read ten at the most. Who needs extra cash anyways, right?

Good thing Sacramento is so hot right now. That sarcasm dried up quickly. Now let's take a look at what's really good about going to college. College is that lengthy transition to the "real" world. The courses that are taken in college are courses that prepare you for a career. College provides the building blocks for the rest of your life. (Get ready for a poetic analogy). College is the basic cupcake recipe. The chosen major is the flavor of the cupcake and each individual course is that special ingredient that makes it the best cupcake ever baked. Just like any recipe, there is always room for personalization.

College is different for every person, but the vast majority of us are here for one reason: to better ourselves. As we all know, going to college is a choice. Attending classes is ultimately optional. I have found that in my two years of college experience I have a drive that continues to grow. I can see myself earning that degree and really starting my life.

It can be seen all across the campus as well. Take away the droopy eyes and walks of exhaustion and it is obvious that the students on campus want to be there. Many of us complain about our classes and our crammed schedules, but deep down we want to be there. Growing up, we are all but conditioned to believe that without a college degree we will end up working a drive-thru station for the rest of our lives, forever smelling of grease and bad food.

Besides avoiding a life of minimum wage, college provides some of us with vital connections that will help us throughout our entire lives. With opportunities such as internships and work experience, a student can get a preview into the field they wish to devote their life to. Doing well during an internship period can potentially set you up with a dream job. What's that saying?

 "Have a job you love doing and never work a day in your life"?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting column.

    The strongest part is the sarcasm at the beginning. This reader wanted more and it could have continued.

    As it was, the rather abrupt shift needed a better transition.

    This really was two columns, one snarky and very well written, the other less interesting and in need of the same snappy language that we read in the first half.

    Writer, trust thy instincts...

    Overall, very interesting, though...

    And this was a great, descriptive line:

    "Take away the droopy eyes and walks of exhaustion and it is obvious that the students on campus want to be there. "

    Droopy eyes, I see lots of those in classes.
